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Your Net Zero Assessment

Working from Home

Learn more about your home and its energy needs with Homes to Zero's Net Zero Assessment. Our comprehensive tool is designed to evaluate your home’s current carbon emissions and identify what you need to achieve a comfortable, healthy and cost-effective Net Zero home.


Why Get A Net Zero Assessment with Homes to Zero?

We guide you through the specific changes your home needs to become Net Zero. We use data to conduct a virtual assessment of your home and calculate where your home is in comparison to net zero and predict what it needs to become Net Zero. We break down the process step by step, making it easy for you to understand the necessary upgrades. With our guidance, you'll know your home needs and how to start transforming your home into a comfortable, sustainable Net Zero home.

Know Your Starting Point

Get to know your home's current energy use and emissions. We'll show you the main sources of emissions in your home and provide you with a comprehensive overview of what a Net Zero home looks like in your specific climate zone. Additionally, we'll compare your home's current performance with a Net Zero home and provide you with estimated solar potential for your home. 

Know What Comes Next 

Know exactly what to do next on your retrofit journey. We'll calculate your home's areas for improvement and what solutions are best suited for your home to enhance your home's comfort, reduce energy bills, and improve overall health. You’ll get a customized checklist tailored to your home's specific needs, with prioritized actions that offer the most significant benefits for you and the environment. 

Your Net Zero Assessment includes:

  • Detailed assessment of energy usage, building envelope and systems without stepping foot in your home. 

  • Areas for improvement and what solutions are best suited for your home.  

  • Estimated renewable energy generation for your home. 

  • A customized checklist to reach Net Zero prioritizing actions that will have the most impact on reducing your home’s carbon emissions. 

  • Recommended order for implementing upgrades, considering the savings and climate impact of each action. 

  • The impact, cost, and financial incentives associated with each recommended action. 

Net Zero Assessment, Personalized assessment of your home. Net Zero, information about government incentives etc.

Net Zero Assessment


Homes to Zero is your trusted partner on the journey to Net Zero.

We’re here to support you throughout your sustainable renovation journey. If you have more questions, please get in touch.

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