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Vision, Mission, Values

We help homeowners renovate to achieve comfortable, low-energy, zero-emission homes.

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Our vision at Homes to Zero is that every home in Canada stops burning fossil fuels and switches to sustainable energy. 

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Our mission is to accelerate the retrofit of 10 million existing single family homes in Canada to Net Zero as quickly and equitably as possible.

It’s a massive and complex task, but it has an extraordinary payback.  Right now, homes create 13% of Canada's greenhouse gases. The good news is that we already have the technology to fix this. Homes to Zero is here to make it easy and affordable for every homeowner to join the Net Zero movement. We're taking the hassle out of home upgrades, so homeowners can enjoy a comfortable, eco-friendly home that saves you money and helps the planet.

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Living in balance: We believe in creating homes that work in harmony with the environment. It's about reducing our impact, respecting our planet, and building a better future for everyone.

Fostering a supportive community: We're committed to building a company where everyone feels valued and respected. Our team, our clients, and our partners are all part of the Homes to Zero family. We work together, with transparency and accountability, to make a real difference.

Embracing a brighter future: We're optimists. We believe in the power of innovation and human ingenuity to create a sustainable future. Our Net Zero homes are proof that we can live comfortably and thrive while protecting our planet.

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