Find Your Energy Details
Our step-by-step guide will show you how to gather and understand your energy details.
Fortis BC
Click the “Account login” button in the top right and log into your account
Once logged in, select the 'Billing & payments' tab along the top of the screen
From the drop-down menu, select 'Bill & payment history'
Select the desired range of billing history by using the drop-down menu or the calendar buttons
Select your preferred format of either a Text file (.txt) or Spreadsheet (.csv).
Once the range and format are selected, click the 'Update' button, then click 'Download'
Hydro One
Log into your account
Your “Account Summary” is displayed. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on “My Energy Usage”
“My Electricity Use: Summary: screen appears. Choose “Monthly” at the top of the screen
“My Electricity Use: Monthly” screen is displayed. Check the graph is showing in kWh, if not select “Show kWh”. “Total usage” displays the kWh your home has used in the last year
Toronto Hydro
Log into your account
Account summary details appear Scroll to the bottom of the page, until you see “Additional Services”. Click on “Track my energy use”
The “My Usage” screen appears. Click on the three horizontal bars highlighted in red below. Choose “Download csv”
The file will download