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Find Your Energy Details

Our step-by-step guide will show you how to gather and understand your energy details.


Find your energy provider below with a step by step process.

Eastward Energy
Eastward Energy
  1. Log into your account

  2. Once logged in click on the drop-down menu on the left side of the screen 

  3. You can then access your payment and usage history from the menu 

Elexicon Energy Inc. 
Elexicon Energy Inc. 
  1. Click on the drop-down menu in the top left of the homepage 

  2. Click on the “Account & Billing” drop-down 

  3. Click the “Login” option 

  4. Login to your my.elexicon account 

  5. Click on “Report” and you can view your energy usage 

Enbridge logo
  1. Click on the “Sign In” option on the top right of the website and login to your account 

  2. Under your “My Account” page, click on “My Gas Use” 

  3. Change the “Filter By Months” option to “Past 12 months” and click “Filter” 

  4. Click “Export” to download the file 

Fortis BC 
Fortis BC 
  1. Click the “Account login” button in the top right and log into your account 

  2. Once logged in, select the 'Billing & payments' tab along the top of the screen 

  3. From the drop-down menu, select 'Bill & payment history' 

  4. Select the desired range of billing history by using the drop-down menu or the calendar buttons 

  5. Select your preferred format of either a Text file (.txt) or Spreadsheet (.csv). 

  6. Once the range and format are selected, click the 'Update' button, then click 'Download' 

  1. In the top left of each bill there will be a consumption history of the past 13 months 

Grimsby Power Inc.
Grimsby Power Inc.
  1. Log into your account 

  2. Once logged in click the “Usage” menu option 

  3. You can then download the data to an excel spread sheet 

Halton Hills Hydro Inc.
Halton Hills Hydro Inc.
  1. Log into your account 

  2. Click on “Detailed energy use” 

  3. Click on “Usage downloads” 

  4. Choose a timeframe in “Download settings” 

  5. Choose download format 

  6. Download the usage details 

Hydro One
Hydro One
  1. Log into your account 

  2. Your “Account Summary” is displayed.  Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on “My Energy Usage” 

  3. “My Electricity Use: Summary: screen appears.  Choose “Monthly” at the top of the screen 

  4. “My Electricity Use: Monthly” screen is displayed.  Check the graph is showing in kWh, if not select “Show kWh”. “Total usage” displays the kWh your home has used in the last year 

Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro Inc.
Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro Inc.
  1. Click on “My Account” 

  2. Click on the appropriate city you live in 

  3. Log into your account 

  4. Enter your fill account number and clikc on the “Billed usage” tab on the left side for your breakdown 

London Hydro
London Hydro
  1. Log into your Account 

  2. Click on the “Download Data tab” in your “MyLondonHydro Portal” to view your usage 

Milton Hydro
Milton Hydro
  1. Log into your Milton Hydro Account

  2. Go to the smart meter tab on the left hand side and then select downloads from the top 

  3. Change the dates to a 90 day period and download the spreadsheet 

Newmarket-Tay Power distribution
Newmarket-Tay Power distribution
  1. Log into your account 

  2. On the dashboard click “My Energy Usage” 

  3. Pick the year you require 

  4. Click “Download” 

Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc.
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc.
  1. Log into your account 

  2. Click “Show usage” 

  3. Select the year to view

Oakville Hydro
Oakville Hydro
  1. Log into your online portal account 

  2. Click on the “My Energy Usage” tab 

  3. Select the year to download 

  4. Click “Download” 

Oshawa PUC Network Inc.
Oshawa PUC Network Inc.
  1. Log into your online portal account 

  2. Go the “Transactions” in the left side bar 

  3. Scroll down and find “Download” 

  4. A spreadsheet will download and show your usage  

  1. Log into your online account 

  2. Go to Usage from the main menu and select the Usage Overview tab 

  3. If there is more than one meter, you can select the meter number/address from the dropdown menu 

Spot Power
Spot Power
  1. Log into your account 

  2. Once logged in locate the ”Monthly Invoices” under the “Account information” box 

  3. You can click on the date to open the invoice and on the 3rd page of each invoice is a charge history table that lists payments over the last 12 months 

Toronto Hydro 
Toronto Hydro 
  1. Log into your account 

  2. Account summary details appear Scroll to the bottom of the page, until you see “Additional Services”. Click on “Track my energy use” 

  3. The “My Usage” screen appears.  Click on the three horizontal bars highlighted in red below.  Choose “Download csv” 

  4. The file will download 

Waterloo North Hydro
Waterloo North Hydro
  1. Click on “My Account” 

  2. Click on the appropriate city you live in 

  3. Log into your account 

  4. Enter your fill account number and clikc on the “Billed usage” tab on the left side for your breakdown 

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